Review Article

Present Status and Perspectives on the Use of Alkylresorcinols as Biomarkers of Wholegrain Wheat and Rye Intake

Table 4

Plasma AR concentrations when subjects have consumed low or essentially AR-free diets.

NGenderCountryAR intake (mg/d)Intervention typeDuration of intervention period (weeks)MedianMeanSDRangeReference

39FaFI5.34bReplace all bread with intervention breads836.626.210.9–55.8c[95]
15F+MFI3bReplace all bread with intervention breads125–3012–415.5–171[27]
28F+MSE6.8All cereal foods provided659579–220[77]
17MSE8.2Replace all cereal foods6337210117–410[54]
17F+MCH5Fully controlled diet240441727–89[51]
34FDK3.1dReplace part of cereals in diet12617843.716–246[74]
266F+MUK17WG consumption < 30 g/d069.584.313610–875[63]
16F+MSEWG-free dietAvoid all WG foods160–6833–3723–178[45]
17F+MCHWG-free dietAvoid all WG foods119–3225–3813–217–82[51]

a F: female, M: male
bEstimated intake from refined wheat bread intake
cExcludes outliers
dAmount provided by intervention, not total diet.