Review Article

Acute Sedentary Behaviour and Markers of Cardiometabolic Risk: A Systematic Review of Intervention Studies

Algorithm 1

Medline search strategy.
(1) sedentar$.tw.
(2) ((chair or sitting or car or automobile or auto or indoor or in-door or screen or computer) adj
(3) bed rest/
(4) weightlessness simulation/
(5) physical inactivit*.tw.
(6) sedentary lifestyle/
(7) weightlessness/
(8) sitting/
(9) Suspension/
(10) Weight bearing/
(11) Head down tilt/
(12) posture/
(13) immobilization/
(14) or/(1)–(13)
(15) cardiovascular
(16) metabolic syndrome x/
(17) Insulin Resistance/ or insulin/
(18) (metabolic cardiovascular syndrome or metabolic syndrome or syndrome x).tw.
(19) exp cholesterol, hdl/ or exp lipoproteins, ldl/ or exp lipoproteins, vldl/
(20) Triglycerides/
(21) Glucose Intolerance/ or Glucose Clamp Technique/ or Glucose Tolerance Test/ or Blood Glucose/
 or glucose homeostasis/
(22) lipid metabolism/
(23) or/(15)–(22)
(24) (14) and (23)
(25) (24) not (animal/ not human/)
(26) remove duplicates from (25)