Clinical Study

A 10-Week Multimodal Nutrition Education Intervention Improves Dietary Intake among University Students: Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial

Table 1

The themes and key messages incorporated in the nutrition education module [21].

Themes Messages

(1) Always be healthy (i) Eat a variety of foods within your recommended intake.
(ii) Maintain body weight in a healthy range.
(iii) Be physically active every day.

(2) Eat moderately(i) Eat adequate amount of rice, other cereal products (preferably whole grain) and tubers.
(ii) Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables every day.
(iii) Consume moderate amounts of fish, meat, poultry, egg, legumes and nuts.
(iv) Consume adequate amounts of milk and milk products.
(v) Drink plenty of water daily.

(3) Live the future(i) Limit intake of foods high in fats and minimise fats and oils in food preparation.
(ii) Choose and prepare foods with less salt and sauces.
(iii) Consume foods and beverages low in sugar.
(iv) Consume safe and clean foods and beverages.
(v) Make effective use of nutrition information on food labels.