Research Article

Body Composition and Basal Metabolic Rate in Women with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Table 1

Selected prediction equations for estimating basal metabolic rate in women with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

ReferencesEquation for estimation BMR

Harris and Benedict [10]655.0955 + (9.5634 × BM) + (1.8496 × Ht) − (4.6756 × Age)

FAO/WHO/UNU [11](8.7 × BM) + 829

Owen et al. [19]795 + (7.18 × BM)

Mifflin et al. [20](10 × BM) + (6.25 × Ht) − (5 × Age) − 161

Gougeon et al. [23]375 + (85 × BM) − (48 × FM) + (63 × FPG)

Huang et al. [6]71.767 − (2.337 × Age) + (257.293 × 0) + (9.996 × BM) + (4.132 × Ht) + (145.959 × 1)

Rodrigues et al. [18]BMI > 35 kg/m2: 172.19 + (10.93 × BM) + (3.10 × Ht) − (2.55 × Age)
BMI < 35 kg/m2: 407.57 + (9.58 × BM) + (2.05 × Ht) − (1.74 × Age)

BM: body mass (kg); Ht: height (cm); FPG: fasting plasma glucose (mM)*; BMI: body mass index (kg/m2).
*Unit of measure described in the original article of the equation.