Research Article

A Randomized Clinical Trial of Nutrition Education for Improvement of Diet Quality and Inflammation in Iranian Obese Women

Table 6

Healthy eating index components and standards for scoring.

ComponentMaximum pointsStandard for maximum scoreStandard for minimum score of zero

Total fruit (includes 100% juice)5≥0.8 cup/1000 kcalNo fruit
Whole fruit (not juice)5≥0.4 cup/1000 kcalNo whole fruit
Total vegetables5≥1.1 cups/1000 kcalNo vegetables
Dark green and orange vegetables and legumes5≥0.4 cup/1000 kcalNo dark green or orange vegetables or legumes
Total grains5≥3.0 cups/1000 kcalNo grains
Whole grains5≥1.5 oz/1000 kcalNo whole grains
Milk10≥1.3 cups/1000 kcalNo milk
Meat and beans10≥2.5 oz/1000 kcalNo meat or beans
Oils10≥12 grams/1000 kcalNo oil
Saturated fat10≤7% of energy≥15% of energy
Sodium10≤0.7 gram/1000 kcal≥2.0 grams/1000 kcal
Calories from solid fat, alcohol, and added sugar (SoFAAS)20≤20% of energy≥50% of energy