Research Article

Awareness and Perception of Plant-Based Diets for the Treatment and Management of Type 2 Diabetes in a Community Education Clinic: A Pilot Study

Table 1

Knowledge and perception of plant-based diets in patients attending a Diabetes Education Centre.

 <50 y28 (28.6%)
 ≥50 y70 (71.4%)
Sex (% male)54 (55.1%)
Body Mass Index
 Normal weight (18.5–24.9 kg/m2)26 (26.5%)
 Overweight (25.0–29.9 kg/m2)26 (26.5%)
 Obese (≥30.0 kg/m2)46 (46.9%)
Diabetes type
 Prediabetes14 (15.1%)
 Type 1 diabetes17 (18.7%)
 Type 2 diabetes62 (68.1%)
Time since diagnosis of diabetes
 0–10 years57 (65.5%)
 10+ years30 (34.5%)
Dietary practices
 Not on plant-based diet85 (91.4%)
 Semivegetarian6 (6.5%)
 Pesco-vegetarian2 (2.2%)
Patient history in diabetes clinic
 New patient41 (44.6%)
 Returning patient52 (55.4%)

Note: values may not add up to 100% due to missing responses and rounding.
excludes = 11 prediabetics.
Values for continuous measures are . Categorical measures are (%).