Research Article

Evaluation of Antioxidant Capacity of Solanum sessiliflorum (Cubiu) Extract: An In Vitro Assay

Table 2

Vitamin and mineral composition of Solanum sessiliflorum in 100 g of cubiu whole pulp according to several studies and percentage of the daily recommendation of the National Research Council (1989) [14].

ComponentVillachica (1996) [4]Pahlen (1977) [3]Andrade et al. (1997) [1] Yuyama et al. (1997, 1998) [2, 5]%NRC

Ascorbic acid (mg)4.513.915.3
Niacin (mg)2.32.514.1
Carotene (mg)0.20.2
Thiamine (mg)0.10.315.4
Riboflavin (mg)0.16.6
Calcium (mg)16121.2
Magnesium (mg)23.77.5
Phosphorus (mg)30141.8
Potassium (mg)385.419.3
Sodium (mg)37174.2
Copper (mg)32914.6
Iron (mg)3242.6
Zinc (mg)1571.1
Manganese (mg)97 2.8