Research Article

Factors Associated with Anemia among Children Aged 6–23 Months Attending Growth Monitoring at Tsitsika Health Center, Wag-Himra Zone, Northeast Ethiopia

Table 2

Feeding practice and nutritional status of children aged 6–23 months attending growth monitoring clinic at Tsitsika Health Center, Northeast Ethiopia ().

Background characteristics Frequencies Percent (%)

Ever breast feed
 No 10.3
Current breast feeding status
 Yes 30688.2
 No 4111.8
Introduction of complementary foods
 Early (<6 months)7120.5
 Timely (6–8 months)22364.3
 Late (≥9 months)5315.3
History of pica consumption
 Yes 8725.0
 No 25475.0
History of cow’s milk consumption
 Yes 8825.1
 No 25974.9
Meat consumption/week
 Yes 8925.6
 No 25874.4
Fruit consumption per week
 Yes 10129.1
 No 24670.9
Dietary diversity score
 Stunted (<−2--score)8223.6
 Not Stunted (>−2--score)265 76.4
 Wasted (<−2--score) 5415.6
 Not Wasted (>−2--score) 29384.4
 Underweight (<−2--score)6117.5
 Not underweight (>−2--score)28682.5

Note: *child received foods from <3 food groups in the previous 24 hrs.
**Child who received foods from ≥4 food groups in the previous 24 hrs.