Research Article

Concurrent Beet Juice and Carbohydrate Ingestion: Influence on Glucose Tolerance in Obese and Nonobese Adults

Figure 2

Blood glucose concentration after beet juice plus glucose consumption was greater in the obese compared with the nonobese adults at 60 and 90 minutes ( and denoted by ). Inhibition of oral bacteria nitrate reductase activity with mouthwash did not influence blood glucose or insulin in either group (). Insulin sensitivity, as represented by the Matsuda Index (where a higher value is reflective of greater insulin sensitivity), was lower in obese adults compared with nonobese adults (). Inhibition of oral bacteria nitrate reductase activity with mouthwash decreased insulin sensitivity in obese adults but not in nonobese adults (). Glucose and insulin: data are mean and standard error. Matsuda Index: lines represent individual responses; stand-alone circles represent mean values.