Clinical Study

Effects of Nutrient-Fortified Milk-Based Formula on the Nutritional Status and Psychomotor Skills of Preschool Children

Table 4

Classification of subjects based on different anthropometric indices as analyzed using WHO-Child Growth Standards (-scores) after 12 weeks of study intervention.

Group Weight for age classification Height for age classification Body mass index for age classification

NIG-NONormal: 100% (20)Normal: 95% (19)Normal: 100% (20)Normal: 100% (20)Normal: 90% (18)Normal: 85% (17)
Underweight: 5% (1)Possible risk of overweight: 10% (2)Possible risk of overweight: 15% (3)

NIG-UWUnderweight: 100% (20)Underweight: 85% (17)Normal: 85% (17)Normal: 75% (15)Normal: 85% (17)Normal: 80% (16)
Severely underweight: 15% (3)Stunted: 15% (3)Stunted: 25% (5)Wasted: 15% (3)Wasted: 15% (4)

NIG-SUSeverely underweight: 100% (20)Underweight: 20% (4)Normal: 30% (6)Normal: 30% (6)Normal: 30% (6)Normal: 40% (8)
Severely underweight: 80% (16)Stunted: 45% (9)Stunted: 45% (9)Wasted: 55% (11)Wasted: 45% (9)
Severely stunted: 25% (5)Severely stunted: 25% (5)Severely wasted: 15% (3)Severely wasted: 15% (3)

FMG-NONormal: 100% (20)Normal: 85% (17)Normal: 100% (20)Normal: 100% (20)Normal: 95% (19)Normal: 85% (17)
Possible risk of overweight: 15% (3)Possible risk of overweight: 5% (1)Possible risk of overweight: 15% (3)

FMG-UWUnderweight: 100% (20)Normal: 45% (9)Normal: 65% (13)Normal: 75% (15)Normal: 75% (15)Normal: 85% (17)
Underweight: 55% (11)Stunted: 30% (6)Stunted: 25% (5)Wasted: 25% (5)Wasted: 15% (3)
Severely stunted: 5% (1)

FMG-SUSeverely underweight: 100% (20)Underweight: 40% (8)Normal: 25% (5)Normal: 35% (7)Normal: 25% (5)Normal: 40% (8)
Severely underweight: 60% (12)Stunted: 60% (12)Stunted: 60% (12)Wasted: 60% (12)Wasted: 55% (11)

Notes. Weight for age: normal (0 to −2 SD); underweight (<−2 to −3 SD); severely underweight (<−3 SD); possible risk of overweight (>0 SD); height for age: normal (≤2 to −2 SD); stunted (<−2 to −3 SD); severely stunted (<−3 SD); BMI for age: normal (0 to −2 SD); wasted (<−2 to −3 SD); severely wasted (<−3 SD); possible risk of overweight (2 to >0 SD).