Research Article

ROUNDS Studies: Relation of OUtcomes with Nutrition Despite Severity—Round One: Ultrasound Muscle Measurements in Critically Ill Adult Patients

Table 1

Demographic and initial characteristics.

Alive ()Nonsurvivors ()Total ()

Age (years)#59 (43–74)73 (54–84)63 (44–75)
Male, n (%)15 (31.9)5 (41.7)20 (33.9)
BMI (kg/m2)&25.67 (5.81)26.21 (6.61)26.19 (5.08)
Sepsis diagnosis, n (%)18 (38.3)6 (50.0)24 (40.7)
APACHE II (points)&17 (7)24 (10)19 (8)
SOFA (points)#3 (1–5)7 (3–10)4 (1–6)
CCI (points)#2 (0–2)2 (0–2)2 (0–2)
NUTRIC (points)#3 (2–5)6 (2–7)3 (2–5)

BMI: body mass index; APACHE II: Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II; SOFA: Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score; CCI: Charlson Comorbidity Index; NUTRIC: Nutrition Risk in the Critically Ill score. indicates difference between groups; #median (interquartile range); &mean (standard deviation).