Research Article

Compliance with Weekly Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation and Its Associated Factors among Adolescent Girls in Tamale Metropolis of Ghana

Table 2

Compliance with IFAS among adolescent girls.

VariablesFrequency, N = 424Percent (%)

Took IFA tablet on the first day

Currently taking IFA tablet in school

Reasons for taking IFA tablet
 Advice from teacher14441.1
 Because it is free123.4
 Friends are taking it257.1
 It prevents anaemia16948.3

Reasons for not taking the tablet
 Fear of side effects45.4
 My parents ask me not to take the tablet6790.5
 l feel healthy34.1

Number of IFA tablets taken in the past 7 weeks
 <5 tablets31373.8
 ≥5 tablets11126.2

Always takes IFA tablet under supervision

Ever missed taking IFA tablet in school

Reasons for missing
 Bad taste of tablet236.6
 I was absent10128.9
 Side effects164.6
 I was not given IFA tablet21060.0