Research Article

Compliance with Weekly Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation and Its Associated Factors among Adolescent Girls in Tamale Metropolis of Ghana

Table 7

Association between sociodemographic characteristics and knowledge on the IFAS program.

Independent variablesKnowledge on the IFAS programChi-square ( value)
Poor knowledgeGood knowledgeTotal, N = 424

Age group (years)
 10–15217 (64.2)121 (35.8)338 (100)0.32 (0.57)
 16–2058 (67.4)28 (32.6)86 (100)

 JHS 1122 (61.9)75 (38.1)197 (100)1.39 (0.24)
 JHS 2153 (67.4)74 (32.6)227 (100)

 Dagomba190 (66)98 (34)288 (100)4.04 (0.13)
 Mamprusi11 (45.8)13 (54.2)24 (100)
 Others74 (66.1)38 (33.9)112 (100)

 Christianity76 (67.9)36 (32.1)112 (100)0.60 (0.44)
 Islam199 (63.8)113 (36.2)312 (100)

Mother’s level of education
 No formal education141 (69.1)63 (30.9)204 (100)9.92 (0.02)
 Basic70 (70)30 (30)100 (100)
 Secondary31 (51.7)29 (48.3)60 (100)
 Tertiary33 (55)27 (45)60 (100)

Father’s level of education
 No formal education130 (68.4)60 (31.6)190 (100)7.68 (0.05)
 Basic38 (76)12 (24)50 (100)
 Secondary47 (60.3)31 (39.7)78 (100)
 Tertiary60 (56.6)46 (43.4)106 (100)

Mother’s occupation
 Unemployed38 (67.9)18 (32.1)56 (100)8.39 (0.04)
 Public/civil servant77 (57)58 (43)135 (100)
 Trader154 (70)66 (30)220 (100)
 Retired6 (46.2)7 (53.8)13 (100)

Father’s occupation
 Unemployed18 (85.7)3 (14.3)21 (100)10.88 (0.01)
 Public/civil servant117 (60)78 (40)195 (100)
 Farmer129 (69.7)56 (30.3)185 (100)
 Retired11 (47.8)12 (52.2)23 (100)