Research Article

Low Citrate Synthase Activity Is Associated with Glucose Intolerance and Lipotoxicity

Figure 6

Palmitate-induced lipotoxicity in C2C12 muscle cells. C2C12 muscle cells were treated either with control shRNA (Con shRNA) or Cs shRNA which targeted Cs mRNA. Afterwards Con shRNA and Cs shRNA cells were incubated in the media containing 5.5 mM glucose (G) and/or 0.8 mM palmitate (P). (a) Cell proliferation was assessed using cell counting assay kit-8 (96992, Sigma, UK) and verified by (b) crystal violet staining; (c) cellular ATP concentrations were assessed using ATP calorimetric assay (ab83355, Abcam, Cambridge, UK); (d) levels of cleaved caspase-3 were assessed using immunoblotting; (e) production of reactive oxygen species was assessed by measuring 2′, 7′-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate (H2DCFDA) fluorescence (values are means ± SEM). , B6 vs B6.A strains. G vs G + P; , Con shRNA vs Cs shRNA.