Research Article

Prevalence of Malnutrition and Associated Factors among Under-Five Children in Pastoral Communities of Afar Regional State, Northeast Ethiopia: A Community-Based Cross-Sectional Study

Table 7

Factors associated with underweight among under-five children in Dubti district, Afar Regional State, Northeast Ethiopia, 2017 (n = 840).

VariablesCategoryUnderweightCOR (95% CI)AOR (95% CI)
Yes (%)No (%)

Mother’s occupationHousewife156 (23.0)522 (77.0)11
Working52 (32.1)110 (67.9)1.48 (1.08–2.30)1.68 (0.87–3.38)

Mother educationIlliterate197 (27.1)529 (72.9)3.49 (1.83–6.63)4.06 (2.01–8.19)
Educated11 (9.6)103 (90.4)11

Child’s sexMale149 (31.3)327 (68.7)2.36 (1.67–3.31)1.83 (1.29–2.94)
Female59 (16.2)305 (83.8)11

Initiation of breastfeedingWithin one hour77 (21.9)275 (78.1)11
Hours later131 (26.8)357 (73.2)1.31 (0.95–1.81)0.82 (0.57–2.23)

Child immunizationYes29 (11.5)223 (88.5)11
No179 (30.4)409 (69.6)3.37 (2.00–5.15)3.17 (2.14–7.99)

Ownership of livestockYes171 (23.6)553 (76.4)11
No37 (31.9)79 (68.1)1.52 (0.99–2.32)1.78 (0.92–4.54)

Prelacteal feedingYes126 (35.8)226 (64.2)2.76 (1.04–3.81)2.81 (1.64–3.72)
No82 (16.8)406 (83.2)11

Significant at ; COR = crude odd ratio; AOR = adjusted odd ratio; CI = confidence interval.