Research Article

Consumption of Anthocyanin-Rich Mulberry Fruit Jelly with a High-Fat Meal Decreases Postprandial Serum Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Dyslipidemia Subjects

Table 2

Sensory evaluation scores of MFP jelly1.

Sensory attributeScores

Appearance27.77 ± 0.94
Color27.83 ± 0.79
Odor27.73 ± 0.78
Taste27.67 ± 0.92
Texture27.70 ± 0.84
Overall liking27.80 ± 0.85
Sweetness3,ns2.77 ± 0.68
Sourness3,ns2.97 ± 0.41

1Results are mean ± standard deviation (SD) (n = 30). 2Nine-point hedonic scale (1 = dislike extremely and 9 = like extremely).35-point just-about-right scale (1 = too little, 3 = just about right, and 5 = too much). nsNo significant difference with 3 (just about right) at by one-sample t-test.