Clinical Study

Effects of Cashew Nut (Anacardium occidentale L.) Seed Flour in Moderately Malnourished Children: Randomized Clinical Trial

Table 1

Mean values and standard deviations of biochemical parameters in moderately malnourished children before and after 24 weeks of intervention (n = 30), Imperatriz, Brazil, 2017.

Group controlExperimental group
BeforeAfter valueBeforeAfter value

Glycemia72.33 ± 10.0878.53 ± 12.820.02 78.00 ± 9.5278.33 ± 17.150.95
HbA1c5.31 ± 0.265.28 ± 0.490.82 5.40 ± 0.195.24 ± 0.22<0.01
Triglycerides89.53 ± 33.51101.20 ± 59.590.47 71.27 ± 32.4986.53 ± 37.340.21
Total cholesterol167.53 ± 20.49170.93 ± 34.170.58 160.20 ± 27.51161.93 ± 23.490.77
HDL50.60 ± 8.2643.20 ± 11.340.04 46.93 ± 12.9947.07 ± 12.650.96
LDL99.13 ± 19.0299.80 ± 33.110.94 92.80 ± 29.3397.53 ± 20.580.59

Student’s t-test for dependent samples (paired groups). Wilcoxon t-test. Glycated hemoglobin. Source: survey data, 2017.