Research Article

Noug Seed (Guizotia abyssinica) Cake Substituted with Dried Mulberry (Morus indica) and Vernonia amygdalina Mixed Leaves’ Meal on Growth Performances of Bonga Sheep at Teppi, Ethiopia

Table 1

Proportion of different feed ingredients to formulate the experimental diets.

TreatmentsDescriptionSupplement (g/day) DM basisTot supp. (g/day/h)

T1100% concentrate mixAd libitum1981984400.0
T275% NSC + 25% (DVLM + DMLM)Ad libitum198148.543.535.84429.8
T350% NSC + 50% (DVLM + DMLM)Ad libitum198998771.54459.5
T425% NSC + 75% (DVLM + DMLM)Ad libitum19849.5130.5107.34489.3
T5100% (DVLM + DMLM)Ad libitum1981741434519.0

T = treatment; RGH = Rhodes grass hay; GMG = ground maize grain; NSC = noug seed cake; DVLM = dried Vernonia leaf meal; DMLM = dried mulberry leaf meal; g = gram; h = head (sheep).