Research Article

Iodine Deficiency Disorder and Knowledge about Benefit and Food Source of Iodine among Adolescent Girls in the North Shewa Zone of Amhara Region

Table 4

Knowledge about the benefits and food sources of iodine by study participants, 2019.

VariablesResponsesFrequency (%)

Do you know locally available foods used as a source of iodine? (n = 625)Yes428 (68.5)
No197 (31.5)
Iodine source foods (n = 428)Salt309 (72.2)
Cereals81 (18.9)
Legumes69 (16.1)
Fruits29 (6.)
Vegetables57 (13.3)
Others15 (3.5)
Do you know the benefit of iodine-rich foods? (n = 625)Yes392 (62.7)
No233 (37.3)
Benefits of iodine (n = 392)Prevents goiter216 (55.1)
Good health178 (45.4)
Prevent cretinism84 (21.4)
Mental development80 (20.4)
Physical growth73 (18.6)
Prevent abortion or still birth32 (8.2)
Others21 (5.3)
Heard about iodized salt (n = 625)Yes376 (60.2)
No249 (39.8)
Primary source of information (n = 376)Teachers148 (39.4)
Mass media136 (36.2)
Health workers106 (28.2)
Relatives/friends46 (12.2)
Others22 (5.1)
Type of salt used (n = 625)Packed375 (60.0)
Unpacked205 (32.8)
Both45 (7.2)
Salt storage container (n = 625)Closed container568 (90.9)
Open container57 (9.1)
Usual time of adding salt during cooking (n = 625)At the beginning of cooking122 (19.5)
In the middle of cooking310 (49.6)
Immediately before the end of cooking153 (24.5)
After cooking40 (6.4)