Review Article

Assessment of the Impact of Salt Iodisation Programmes on Urinary Iodine Concentrations and Goitre Rates: A Systematic Review

Table 1

Main characteristics, results, and conclusions of the studies that used salt iodisation programmes.

Location of studies and referencesStudy design/period of studyMain results

Isparta- western of Turkey (rual/urban areas)- [27]“To determine TGR and UIC” in 500 children from six to 11 years old 2001SC: 68% more in urban areas () compared to in rural areas where it was not refinedMUIC, 70 µg\L: ↑42 µg\L (1997–2001).
- m
il IDD
TGR: 26% (ultrasonography) and 30.4% (palpation): ↑1 and 4.6% (1997–2001) TGR:7.6% in iodised salt consumers and 33% in no consumers. Moderate IDDSalt iodisation programme without success

Panshan, Zhangwu, and Huanghua- were north, southwest, and coastal region in China (rural areas)- [28]“To assess the effect of iodine intake, goitre, and thyroid nodules” in adults and children (eight to nine years old) 3338–1999 2708–2004In Panshan, Huanghua, and Zhangwu: ICS, had a median of <3.4, 25, and 45.6 mg/kg: ↓1.7 and 8.9 mg\kg (Huanghua and Zhangwu) from 1999 to 2004. The iodine content in the water was 10, 7.8, and 201 μg/LIn Panshan, Huanghua, and Zhangwu: MUIC, 87.6, 633.5, and 213.9 µg\L in children. And 96.7, 635.2, and 350.3 µg\L in adultsIn Panshan, Huanghua, and Zhangwu: TGP: 20%, 8.3%, and 10% in children.
Moderate IDD in iodine deficiency areas. Mild IDD in iodine excessive areas
Salt iodisation programme without success in iodine deficiency areas but was inequitable in excess areas

Tanzania (rural/urban areas) [10]“To assess the use of iodised salt, UIC and TGR” In 140758 children and adolescents (six to 18 years old).
ICS: had a mean do not show but it was 84%.SC, 84%MUIC 203.6 (192–215) µg\LTGP: 12.3%: ↓48.4 % (1980–2004).
-Mild IDD
Salt iodisation programme was effective

North of India (rural/urban areas) [26]“To assess IDD’s control program” in 2860 adults and children (one to 40 years old). 2007ICS was 6.3 mg/Kg (30%) SC, 25% adequate consumption iodised saltMUIC 100 (5.0–560) µg/LTGR: 27.7%: ↓41.3% (1982–2006). TGR, 31% in children with UIC<100 µg\L
-Moderate IDD
Salt iodisation programme was inequitable

Raipur- were Central region in the India (urban/rural areas)- [29]“Estimate TGR and UIC. ICS. Awareness about IDDs.” in 1177 pregnant women 2006–2007ICS, was >15 mg\kg of iodine (68%) SC, 66% consumption adequate iodised salt, majority shopkeepers were not aware about iodised salt and legislation regarding itMUIC, 94 µg\LTGR: 0.17%Salt iodisation programme without success

New Zealand (urban/rural areas) [13]“To assess of mandatory fortification of bread” in 147 children (eight to ten years old) 2010–2011ICS, >45 mg\kg (90%) SC:28% and associated UIC ()MUIC, 113.6 (78–159) µg\L: ↑45 µg\L (2002–2011)Salt iodisation programme was effective

Mexico (urban areas) [23]“To describe NS in iodine and relate NS “in 1544 children (six to 12 years old)
ICS: was 28.4 ± 9.4 (77.8%) high iodine consumption was the real problemMUIC, 297 (5–1519) µg\L. Excessive and deficiency iodine coexistSalt iodisation programme was effective

Zhejiang- eastern in the China (urban/rural areas)- [30]“To assess the NS in iodine after the 3rd readjustment” in children (from eight to ten years old) 420–2011 1560–2013ICS was 24 mg/kg: ↓6.4 mg\kgMUIC, 174.3 (range 586) µg\L: ↓62.8 µg\L from 2011 to 2013.
UIC was more in urban areas compared to rural
Salt iodisation programme was effective

South of Iran (urban areas) [31]“To assess the NS of iodine two decades after implemented” in such 100 pregnant women, lactating women, and their newborns with three to five days of age.
ICS: a Median of 26 (21–30) mg/kg and 25 (18–28) in pregnant women and lactating women.
ICS (r = 0.24, ) UIC of newborns was associated with ICS of theirs mother (r = 0.49, )
MUIC, 103 (59–55) μg/L and 77 (42–194) μg/L in pregnant women and lactating women was below compared newborns 198 (84–260) μg/LSalt iodisation programme without success

Tunisia (rural/urban areas) [22]“To obtain WHO’s sustainable elimination IDD “in1560 children (six to 12 years old).
ICS was 22 mg/kg (44.1%) SC, in regions with inadequately iodised salt represented 30% and excessive 66,3%MUIC, 220 µg\L (199–241 µg\L)Salt iodisation programme was effective

Sierra Leone (urban/rural areas) [24]“To assess NS in iodine” in 571 adolescents, 220 nursing, and 154 pregnant women 2013ICS was >15 mg\kg of salt (81%)MUIC:
- 180.6 µg\L– Pregnant women;
- 217.2 µg\L –Teenage girls and;
- 196.8 µg\L – Nurses mothers
Salt iodisation programme was effective

32provinces-China (urban/rural areas) [18]“Analysis achieved challenge IDDs “in 31 million pregnant women and children 2005–2010SC, >90%MUIC, 239 µg\L:↓6 µg\L (2005–2010) in children and 184 µg\L in pregnant womenTGR: <5%. Effective elimination IDDs in schoolchildrenSalt iodisation programme was sustaining

Portugal (urban areas) [21]“To assess NS in iodine and the use of iodised salt” in school-age children (six to 12 years old).
ICS was 16–54 mg/kg in 2% of people
SC, 16% and was 50% in milk products consumer
MUIC 129 (80–180) µg\L: ↑23 µg\L (2012–2016)Salt iodisation programme was effective

North-west of Iran (rural/urban areas) [17]“To assess the TGR and UIC” in 240 children of eight to ten years old.
ICS: had a mean of 27 mg/kg (97%). SC: 98% of adequately iodised saltMUIC, 145 μg/L: ↑5 μg/L from 2007 to 2015, ↑6.2% from 2007 in rural compared to 25.7% in urban. UIC>300 μg/L: ↑22.1% from 2007 in urban: And 5.7% in rural. Iodine deficiency is rural and excess in urban areasTGR: 0.4%: ↓43,6% from 1996Salt iodisation programme was sustaining

Cassino-Italy (urban areas) [32]“To assess the NS of/iodine after 10 years programme deployed” in 96 pregnant women cases and 69 nonpregnant in control. 2016–2017Those who had consumed iodised salt with milk had more UIC (). SC: 42% cover (<90% adequate ICS)MUIC, 110.6 (15.8–491.3) μg/L was more compared to 97.7 (28.1–1154.3) μg/L in control.
-Insufficient UIC
TGR: Pregnant women had more thyroid volume. -Mild IDDSalt iodisation programme without success

Kebele village Ethiopia(rural areas) [33]“To assess the TGR and associated factors” in 356 pregnant women
ICS: a median of 12.2 (6.9–23.8) μg/L (39.3%) SC: 94% used crystal salt and kept well. Iodised salt cooking addition, light stored, ICS below 15 mg/kg, illiteracy, and age >30, associated with iodine intakeMUIC, 85.7 (45.7–136) μg/L: ↓ 94 μg/L the 1st (168) to 3rd (74) trimester
- insufficient UIC
TGR: Median of 20 (16–24) %: ↑9% the 1st (13) to 3rd (22) trimester
-moderate IDD
Salt iodisation programme without success

31 provinces- Iran (rual/urban areas) [15]“To assess NS of iodine” in 18.000 children (eight to ten years old) 2007–2014ICS: had a mean of 30 mg/kg (63%) SC: 98% used iodised salt and 82% were crystalMUIC, 161 μg/L in 2013: ↑ 79 μg/L from 2013 (all provinces had UIC > 100 μg/L)TGR: 5,7%: ↓ 62.3% (1989–2007) in 2013 not have a GTR reporterSalt iodisation programme was sustaining

31 provinces - China (urban) [16]“To evaluate the impact of the ICS and NS of iodine “in children (eight to ten years old): 2011 : 14.950 2014 : 48.975 and pregnant women 2011 : 13.932 2014 : 19.500ICS: had a mean of 25 mg/kg: ↓5.4 mg/kg from the 2011 to 2014 (>90%)
SC: > 90% used adequate iodised salt. The policy was based on reduction ICS
MUIC, 197.9 μg/L: ↓40.7 from 2011 to 2014 in children and 154.6 μg/L in pregnant women: ↓29.8 μg/L from 2011 to 2014TGR: 2.6% in children the same in 2011Salt iodisation programme was sustaining

Amhara region - Ethiopia (rural areas) [11]“To assess the TGR and UIC” in infants of six to 11 months old in case (n = 743) and control (n = 654) 2010–2013ICS: mean does not show.
SC > 90% (in the intervention group). Observed improve UIC level in children the mother that receive iodine salt
MUIC, 228.0 (123.4–411.5) μg/L: ↑102 μg/L from baseline in intervention group more than 155.0 (81.4–283.9)μg/L: ↑140.2 μg/L in control ()TGR: <5% in both groupsSalt iodisation programme was sustaining

Cameroon (rural areas) [25]“To monitor the NS of iodine “in children of six to 12 years old. 1990–2018ICS: had a mean of 72 mg/kg:↑153% (1999–2017). The imported salt contribute to more than 200% of the saltMUIC, 1145 μg/L: ↑166% from 1999 to 2017. Stem from 2006 to 2018 UIC>300 μg/L: ↑ 756 μg/L. From 2006 the people presented with risk of an adverse effect of healthSalt iodisation programme was inequitable

Shanghai– Central coast in the China (urban areas) Central coast [20]“To assess NS of iodine, summarized “in children eight to ten years old, the number of years:
1999 : 1320
2005 : 1223
2011 : 1234
2014 : 1510
2017 : 1215
ICS: had a mean of 24.3 ± 5.6 mg/kg: ↓19,5 mg/kg from 1999 to 2017 SC: >90% (1999–2011) and <90% in 2014–2017 observed reduction of 19,5 mg of iodine/kg in over timeMUIC, 183.0 (114–267) μg/L: ↓53 μg/L in the high iodised salt group, ↑25 μg/L in the low iodised salt group, and ↑16 μg/L in the noniodised salt group from 1999 (X2 = 35.4: ) to 2017 (X2 = 10,5: )TGR: 1.9%: ↓ 1,2% from 1999 to 2017Salt iodisation programme was sustaining

Tianjin- northeastern in the China (urban areas) - [19]“To assess the NS of iodine to stopped iodised programme in high water iodine areas” in 399 children aged seven–12 years
ICS: had a mean do not show areas WIC SC(%) total II(μg/d)
<100 μg/L 56.6 441.1
100-150 μg/L 21.4 369.4
150-300 μg/L 11.8 473.9 
300 μg/L 5.1 576.8. The salt iodisation programme stopped in areas with iodine water ≥300 μg/L, in areas with iodine in water <100 μg/L had also higher consumption of iodine but eliminated sustaining IDD
Areas WIC UIC (μg/L) < 100 μg/L 217.2 (157.93–290.58 100–150 μg/L 187.65 (133.20–237.05) 150–300 μg/L 209.15 (137.23–258.38) ≥ 300 μg/L 476.30 (332.20–639.30)TGR: in areas with UIC ≥ 300 μg/L was 10% and 27% thyroid nodules (). In areas with WIC ≥300, 150–300, 100–150, and < 100 μg/L were 11%, 12%, 38%, and 97% respectively. Observed mild IDD in people had risk of adverse effect of healthSalt iodisation programme was without success in areas with iodine concentration in water ≥300 μg/L but in areas with <100 μg/L it was sustaining

Antalya- southern in Turkey (urban) [14]“To assess the NS of iodine “in 1.594 children of six to 14 years old.
SC: >90%.MUIC, 163.3 (105.3–254.8) μg/L: ↑ 101 μg/L from 1999 to 2015 ().
In 2015 not registered iodine deficiency
TGR: 0,3%: ↓33,7% from 1999 to 2015 ()Salt iodisation programme was sustaining

ID: iodine deficiency; IDD: iodine deficiency disorders; NS: nutrition status. ↓: low; ↑: raised; <: less; >: higher; ±: standard deviation; ICS: iodine concentration in salt; MUIC: median Urinary iodine concentration; UIC: urinary iodine concentration; WIC: water iodine concentration; TGP: total goitre rate; SC: salt coverage or consumption, II: iodine intake.