Research Article

Caffeine Consumption among Various University Students in the UAE, Exploring the Frequencies, Different Sources and Reporting Adverse Effects and Withdrawal Symptoms

Table 2

Caffeine consumption patterns.

How often do you consume caffeinated beverages? N (%)
Once daily116 (24.8)
2-3 times a day180 (38.5)
4-5 times daily72 (15.4)
More than 5 times a day32 (6.9)
1 to 3 times weekly50 (10.7)
4 to 6 times weekly17 (3.6)

What time of the day do you usually consume caffeine
Morning284 (60.8)
Afternoon187 (40.0)
Evening218 (46.7)

When do you prefer to have caffeine?
Before eating171 (36.6)
While eating106 (22.7)
After eating302 (67.4)

Why do you prefer having your caffeine drink with/after meals?
To help with digestion90 (19.3)
Habit238 (51.0)
To avoid acid reflux and stomach upset162 (34.7)

Sources of caffeine
Coffee316 (67.7)
Tea221 (47.3)
Caffeinated soft drinks124 (26.6)
Energy drinks77 (16.5)
Chocolate172 (36.8)

Do you know that caffeine is added to certain pain killers\medicines?
No157 (33.6)
Yes310 (66.4)

Does a cup of coffee with Panadol relieve your pain/headache more effectively than Panadol alone?
No204 (43.7)
Yes263 6.3)

Multiple responses allowed. Descriptive analysis was conducted.