Clinical Study

CYP1A1, mEH, and GSTM1 Polymophisms and Risk of Oral and Pharyngeal Cancer: A Spanish Case-Control Study

Table 1

Description of the study individuals.

Variable considered Cases Controls

Age (mean, IC95%) 55.0 (52.7–57.3)59.4 (57.0–61.8)

Cancer location

Oral53 (57.6%)
Pharyngeal39 (42.4%)

Cigarette smoking

Never smoker2 (2.2%)49 (37.7%)
Former smoker17 (18.5%)42 (32.3%)
Current smoker73 (79.3%)39 (30%)

Tobacco consumption (pack-years)

Percentil 2533.00
Percentil 5046.59.9
Percentil 7567.543.8

Drinking habit

No alcohol drinking2 (2.2%)20 (15.4%)
Light drinker (≤2 glasses of wine/beers or 2 licors a day) (0–280 gm/week) 6 (6.5%) 50 (38.5%)
Moderate drinkers (3–6 drinks/day) (281–840 g/week)41 (44.6%)46 (35.4%)
Heavy drinkers (>6 drinks/day) (>840 gm/week)43 (46.7%)14 (10.8%)

Alcohol consumption gm/week

Percentil 2529070
Percentil 50560145
Percentil 75840300


Wild type (Ile/Ile)64 (97%)90 (97.8%)
Mutation (Ile/Val, Val/Val)2 (3%)2 (2.2%)

mEH (139  )

Arg/Arg63 (68.5%)88 (67.7%)
Arg/His25 (27.2%)41 (31.5%)
His/His4 (4.3%)1 (0.8%)


Present (GSTM1 +)45 (48.9%)68 (52.3%)
Absent (GSTM1 −)47 (51.1%)62 (47.7%)

Total 92130