Review Article

Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Plus Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Dual Targeted Therapy in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: Synergy or Antagonism?

Table 2

Comparison of adverse events of interest in the PACCE and CAIRO2 studies.

PACCE oxaliplatin cohort [43]CAIRO2 [47]
( )( )
Ox + Bev + PmabOx + BevCap, Ox + Bev + CmabCap, Ox + Bev
Grade 3Grade 4Grade 3Grade 4Grade 3/4Grade 3/4

Incidence of toxicity, %

Skin toxicity3511039.120.8
Neuropathy*3 1707.710.4
Deep vein thrombosis7080NRNR
Pulmonary embolism0604NRNR
Venous thromboembolic eventsNRNRNRNR8.26.8
Arterial thromboembolic eventsNRNRNRNR2.23.3

Bev: bevacizumab; Cap: capecitabine; Cmab: cetuximab; NR: not reported; Ox: oxaliplatin; PACCE: Panitumumab Advanced Colorectal Cancer Evaluation; Pmab: panitumumab.
*Neuropathy events were reported as “sensory neuropathy” in CAIRO2.
The incidence of nausea and vomiting was reported together in PACCE but as separate adverse events in CAIRO2. The first number indicates the reported incidence of nausea and the second number indicates the incidence of vomiting.