Research Article

α2 Integrin-Dependent Suppression of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Cell Invasion Involves Ectodomain Regulation of Kallikrein-Related Peptidase-5

Figure 2

Reexpression of α2 in MIAPaCa2 Cells. (a) Expression and selection scheme. (b) Flow cytometric analysis of cell surface α1, α2, α3 and β1 integrin expression in MP2-mock, MP2-α2/TC, and MP2-α2/CI cells. Secondary antibody controls (solid) are overlapped. (c) Integrin levels were assessed at the transcript (i) and total protein level (ii) using RT-PCR and immunoblotting as described in Materials and Methods. GAPDH and actin, controls. (d) The effect of maintenance on collagenI was assessed by replating cells grown on collagenI for an extended period into standard tissue culture conditions and then returning those cells to collagenI culture at the indicated times (i). (ii) Lysates were immunoblotted for total α2 expression. Actin, control.