Review Article

Understanding Carcinogenesis for Fighting Oral Cancer

Table 1

Potential biomarkers for oral carcinogenesis.


Genomic biomarkerMicronuclei, DNA adduct, DNA content, and chromosomal aberration (polymorphism, alleic loss, gain, and amplification)
Oncogenic biomarkerOncogenic expression, modified tumor suppressor genes, and Src genes
Proliferation biomarkerNuclear and cyclin-related antigens, mitotic frequency, ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), and polyamines
Differentiation biomarkerCytokeratins, transglutaminase Type I, and transcription factor (AP)-1
Oxidative stress biomarkerGlutathione S-transferase, stress proteins (HSPs), and Superoxide dismutase
Apoptosis biomarkerBcl-2 family, chromatin condensation factors, caspases, and nucleosome formation
Immunologic biomarkerCytokines