Clinical Study

Robotic versus Endoscopic Thyroidectomy for Thyroid Cancers: A Multi-Institutional Analysis of Early Postoperative Outcomes and Surgical Learning Curves

Table 1

Demographics and extent of surgery in patients with thyroid carcinoma treated by robotic thyroidectomy versus endoscopic thyroidectomy.

Robot group ( )Endoscopy group ( ) value

Age, mean (years), range39.4 ± 9.1 (13–70)37.5 ± 9.4 (6–50)NS*
 Female1637 (92.5%)824 (97.7%)NS
 Male132 (7.5%)19 (2.3%)
Extent of surgery
 Less than total1063 (60.1%)693 (82.2%)0.004
  Unilateral total595 (33.6%)307 (36.4%)
  Unilateral total + partial177 (10.0%)208 (24.7%)
  Unilateral total + subtotal291 (16.4%)178 (21.1%)
 Total706 (39.9%)150 (17.8%)
Extent of neck node dissection
 No dissection23 (1.3%)59 (7.0%)<0.001
 CCND**1675 (94.7%)770 (91.3%)NS
 Selective node dissection11 (0.6%)0 (0%)NS
 MRND§60 (3.4%)14 (1.7%)<0.001

NS*: nonspecific finding, CCND**: central compartment neck dissection, MRND§: modified radical neck dissection.