Research Article

Correlation of Beta-2 Adrenergic Receptor Expression in Tumor-Free Surgical Margin and at the Invasive Front of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Table 1

Association between clinical parameters and β2-AR expression in 62 patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma.

VariableBeta-2 adrenergic receptor
⁢Tumor-free margin⁢Invasive tumor front
(%) (%) (%) (%)

GenderMale8 (66.7)44 (88)0.09131 (86.1)21 (80.8)0.729
Female4 (33.3)6 (12)5 (13.9)5 (19.2)

Ethnic groupWhite10 (83.3)45 (90)0.61233 (91.7)22 (84.6)0.439
Not white2 (16.7)5 (10)3 (8.3)4 (15.4)

Age≤58 years8 (66.7)25 (50)0.29922 (61.1)11 (42.3)0.143
>58 years4 (33.3)25 (50)14 (38.9)15 (57.7)

Tobacco#Yes11 (100)42 (93.3)0.99931 (100)22 (88)0.083
No0 (0)3 (6.7)0 (0)3 (12)

AlcoholYes10 (90.9)32 (69.6)0.25627 (84.4)15 (60)0.038
No1 (9.1)14 (30.4)5 (15.6)10 (40)

Tobacco + alcoholYes10 (90.9)29 (64.4)0.14426 (83.9)13 (52)0.010
No1 (9.1)16 (35.6)5 (16.1)12 (48)

T stageT1/T26 (50)28 (56)0.70815 (41.7)19 (73.1)0.014
T3/T46 (50)22 (44)21 (58.3)7 (26.9)

N stageN+6 (50)24 (48)0.90118 (50)12 (46.2)0.765
N06 (50)26 (52)18 (50)14 (53.8)

Clinical stageII3 (25)16 (32)0.749 (25)10 (38.5)0.257
III/IV9 (75)34 (68)27 (75)16 (61.5)

RecurrenceYes6 (50)20 (40)0.52817 (47.2)9 (34.6)0.321
No6 (50)30 (60)19 (52.8)17 (65.4)

MetastasesYes0 (0)1 (2)0.9990 (0)1 (3.8)0.419
No12 (100)49 (98)36 (100)25 (96.2)

Second primary tumorYes1 (8.3) 8 (16)0.6755 (13.9)4 (15.4)0.999
No11 (91.7)42 (84)31 (86.1)22 (84.6)

: number of cases; : value obtained by chi-square test or Fisher’s exact test; excluding patients with lost records; local and/or regional recurrence; statistically significant result.