Clinical Study

Outcomes Following Salvage Radiation and Systemic Therapy for Isolated Locoregional Recurrence of Breast Cancer after Mastectomy: Impact of Constructed Biologic Subtype

Table 3

Patterns of locoregional failure (LRF) after salvage radiotherapy for ILRR.


No. of patients56
Incidence of LRF (%)20.8%
Site of LRF
 CW alone (n)28 (50.0%)
 Regional nodes alone (n)20 (35.7%)
 CW and regional nodes (n)8 (14.3%)
  Multiple regions1
Association of locoregional failure and radiation field
 In filed23 (41.1%)
 Out of field20 (35.7%)
 Both13 (23.2%)

LRF = locoregional failure. Others as in Table 2.