Research Article

Formation of Polyploid Giant Cancer Cells Involves in the Prognostic Value of Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation in Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer

Table 3

Clinicopathological characteristics in 304 cases of locally advanced rectal cancer patients treated with neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy (nCRT).

AJCC and CAP regression scoreChi-square value

Number of patients30429 (9.54%)125 (41.12%)138 (45.39%)12 (3.95%)
Age (years), mean60.0261.0959.4059.6166.584.8300.185
 Male206 (67.76%)20 (9.71%)85 (41.26%)92 (44.66%)9 (4.37%)
 Female98 (32.24%)9 (9.18%)40 (40.82%)46 (46.94%)3 (3.06%)0.33550.953
Rest interval (d), mean68.4669.1055.2972.97152.176.7330.081
Pathology N stage440.1200.001
Complete response27 (8.91%)25 (92.59%)2 (7.41%)00
 T19 (2.97%)08 (88.89%)1 (11.11%)0
 T243 (14.19%)1 (2.33%)25 (58.14%)17 (39.53%)0
 T3197 (65.02%)3 (1.52%)83 (42.13%)111 (56.35%)0
 T427 (8.91%)06 (22.22%)9 (33.33%)12 (44.44%)
Pathology N stage18.0070.001
 N0184 (65.02%)27 (14.67%)80 (43.48%)77 (41.85%)0
 N172 (25.44%)025 (34.72%)47 (65.28%)0
 N227 (9.54%)2 (7.41%)12 (44.44%)13 (48.15%)0
Histological type24.6170.001
 Mucinous carcinoma59 (21.22%)11 (18.64%)27 (45.76%)21 (35.59%)0
 Nonmucinous carcinoma219 (78.78%)5 (2.28%)97 (44.29%)117 (53.42%)0
Histological differentiation1.7810.411
 Well + moderately190 (88.79%)3 (1.58%)86 (45.26%)101 (53.16%)0
 Poor24 (11.21%)08 (33.33%)16 (66.67%)0

1 missing value; 21 missing values; 26 missing values; 90 missing values. CR, complete remission; PR, partial remission; PD, progressive disease; SD, stable disease; AJCC, American Joint Committee on Cancer; CAP, College of American Pathologists; nCRT, neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy.