Research Article

Frizzled-10 Extracellular Vesicles Plasma Concentration Is Associated with Tumoral Progression in Patients with Colorectal and Gastric Cancer

Figure 2

Detection and determination of FZD-10 expression levels in sEVs isolated from healthy donors and nonmetastatic cancer patients by Western blotting and densitometry analysis. Representative Western blotting of FZD-10 and three exosomal/EV protein markers (Hsp70, CD-63, and ALIX) in sEVs extracted from plasma of healthy donors. The same load (20 μg) of samples based on total protein content (a). Western blotting of FZD-10 and three exosomal/EV protein markers (Hsp70, CD-63, and ALIX) in sEVs extracted from nonmetastatic CRC (Px1 and Px2) and nonmetastatic GC (Px3) patients, respectively. The same load (20 μg) of samples based on total protein content. Molecular mass markers indicated on the right. (b). Semiquantitative evaluation of relative FZD-10 expression in sEVs extracts by densitometry analysis of protein bands in (a) and (b). FZD-10 bands were measured, upon normalization with the corresponding housekeeping Hsp70 protein band, for each patient (three replicates). Average value of FZD-10 expression levels among all patients reported in graph. () p<0.005 versus healthy control. n= 16 for CRC, n=2 for GC, and n=8 for healthy donors (c).
