Research Article

Circulating Proangiogenic Cells and Proteins in Patients with Glioma and Acute Myocardial Infarction: Differences in Neovascularization between Neoplasia and Tissue Regeneration

Figure 3

Differences in EPC frequencies between patients. EPC levels were represented as absolute cell numbers in 1106 CD45+ PBMCs. The nonparametric Mann–Whitney U test (SPSS version 24) was used to analyze differences between the groups (p-values are 2-tailed). Direction of Z-score was adjusted as follows: negative to positive when GBM levels were higher than HC/MI/AII/AIII and when MI levels were higher than HC. The heat-maps are based on the levels and directions of Z-scores (red indicated higher levels of EPCs; blue indicated lower levels of EPCs in each comparison). KDR+: KDR+CD34-CD133- cells. CD133+: CD133+CD34-KDR- cells. KDR+CD133+: KDR+CD133+CD34- cells. HPCs: CD34+CD133+/-CD4. CECs: CD3KDR+CD45-.