Research Article

ANXA2 Silencing Inhibits Proliferation, Invasion, and Migration in Gastric Cancer Cells

Table 4

KEGG analysis of ANXA2 in the database.

Biological process No. of genesP-valueRelated genes

Pathways in cancer224<0.005APPL1, FZD10, LPAR6, GNA13, CXCL12, ABL1, PIK3R5, AKT3, MTOR, STAT5A, ARAF, BCL2, SMAD4, TGFBR1, MSH3, PIAS2…

Focal adhesion122<0.005EGF, EGFR, PIK3R5, ITGA11, LAMC3, PAK4, DOCK1, ROCK1, GRF2, MAPK8, JUN, BLC2, ELK1, BRAF, RAPGEF1, CRK, SOS1…

HIF 1 signaling pathway67<0.005AKT2, AKT3, ANGPT1, ARNT, BCL2, CAMK2A, CAMK2B, EGLN1, ENO3, EP300, EPO, PIK3CD, PIK3CG, TEK, TF, VHL…

Proteoglycans in cancer116<0.005ELK1, ROCK1, TIAM1, ITPR1, DROSHA, HOXD10, PIK3R5, AKT3, PDPK1, MTOR, PDCD4, COL21A1, ARAF, HGF, FRS2, SOS1, WNT16…

Regulation of actin cytoskeleton118<0.005F2, GNA13, ARAF, PIK3R5, SOS1, EGFR, EGF, ITGA11, CHRM1, FGD1, VAV3, MSN, ACTN4, MYLK, MYH9, CFL1, ENAH, WASF1…

Central carbon metabolism in cancer42<0.005AKT2, FGFR1, FLT3, GCK, KIT, MTOR, NRAS, NTRK1, NTRK3, PDGFRA, PFKM, PGAM2, PIK3CD, RET…

Vascular smooth muscle contraction76<0.005ACTA2, ADRA1A, AGTR1, BRAF, CACNA1C, EDNRA, GNA12, GNAS, ITPR1, KCNMA1, MRVI1, PLA2G12A, PLCB4, RAMP3, ROCK1…

∗For the “Biological process” column, we showed the function of ANXA2 in gastric cancer tissue. The “No. of genes” column showed the number of genes that enriched in corresponding pathways, and the details were in the “Related genes” column. Correlation statistics were calculated by the R2 platform.