Research Article

Cytoplasmic HAX1 Is an Independent Risk Factor for Breast Cancer Metastasis

Figure 1

HAX1 is overexpressed in primary breast tumor in comparison to normal breast tissue. (a-e) HAX1 expression in invasive breast cancer (ductal and lobular) in comparison to normal breast tissue assessed in publicly available datasets on the Oncomine Platform. (a) Comparison of HAX1 overexpression across 19 analyses. Dataset legend in Figure S1. (b-e) HAX1 overexpression in selected datasets [2932]. Differences between groups were assessed by Student’s t-test and results with p-values <0.05 were considered significant. (f) HAX1 expression in breast cancer samples stratified according to grade (Scarff-Bloom-Richardson grade, SBR) analyzed using bcGenExMiner. (g) HAX1 expression in breast cancer samples stratified according to molecular subtype (PAM50 classification) in a set of microarray data analyzed using bcGenExMiner [33] (left panel) or RNAseq TCGA-BRCA data (right panel). Differences between groups in (f) and (g) were assessed by Welch’s or Fisher’s ANOVA followed by post-hoc Tukey-Kramer test.
