Research Article

Age-Related Changes in the Fraction of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia Grade 3 Related to HPV Genotypes Included in the Nonavalent Vaccine

Table 3

Distribution of HPV genotypes according to age, ethnicity, and sample collection year.

VariablesNonavalent HPV vaccine genotypes n (%) valueNon-high-risk HPV genotypes n (%) value

Age (years)0.0060.018

 <35 years76 (96.2)1 (1.3)
 35–44 years70 (93.3)2 (2.7)
 ≥45 years41 (82.0)5 (10.0)

 Italian148 (91.4)7 (4.3)
 Chinese9 (81.8)1 (9.1)
 East Europe25 (96.2)0 (0.0)
 Northern Europe1 (100)0 (0.0)
 African4 (100)0 (0.0)
Sample collection year0.8420.223

 2011 (4 months)20 (90.9)0 (0.0)
 2012 (12 months)59 (92.2)2 (3.1)
 2013 (12 months)62 (92.5)3 (4.5)
 2014 (11 months)46 (90.2)3 (5.9)

HPV: human papillomavirus.