Research Article

Inadequate Nutrition Coverage in Outpatient Cancer Centers: Results of a National Survey

Table 1

Outpatient oncology RDN staffing patterns.

RDN staffingFrequency (%) or mean ± SDaRange

 Is there a dedicated RDNs for outpatient oncology services at your facility? (n = 188)
  Yes94.1 (177)
  No5.9 (11)
 How many years has your facility employed dedicated RDNs for outpatient oncology?
  All centers (n = 159)10.4 ± 8.20–49
  NCI-designated cancer centers (n = 35)14.2 ± 8.21–30
  Non-NCI-designated cancer centers (n = 124)9.3 ± 7.90–49

RDN FTE and analytic casesMean ± SDaRange

 How many RDN full-time equivalents (FTEs) are currently working in any outpatient oncology service?
  Total for All centers (n = 199)1.7 ± 2.00–16.6
  Total for NCI-Designated cancer centers (n = 41)3.1 ± 3.00.025–16.6
  Total for non-NCI-designated cancer centers (n = 158)1.3 ± 1.40–9.2
 How many RDN full-time equivalents (FTEs) are currently working in each outpatient oncology service?b (n = 199)
  Medical oncology (n = 184)1.0 ± 1.50–12.6
  Radiation oncology (n = 171)0.6 ± 0.60–4.0
  Infusion (n = 86)0.3 ± 0.50–2.7
 How many new analytic cases were seen at your center in the most recent year for which data are complete?
  All centers (n = 128)2,073 ± 1,9910–9,351
  NCI-designated cancer centers (n = 25)4,297 ± 2,42730–9,351
  Non-NCI-designated cancer centers (n = 103)1,533 ± 1,4290–7,200

RDN-to-patient ratiosRatioRange

 All centers (n = 124)1 : 2,3081 : 0–1 : 53,100c
 NCI-designated cancer centers (n = 25)1 : 3,5871 : 10–1 : 47,960
 Non-NCI-designated cancer centers (n = 99)1 : 1,9841 : 0–1 : 53,100c

aDue to incomplete data and branching logic, the total number of responses varies by question. The total number of complete responses per question is provided next to each response in-line. Percentages are based upon the number of responses out of the total number answering the question. Means and standard deviations are calculated using only complete responses. bRespondents are allowed to select more than one service, as many centers offer all or a combination of these services. cTo derive RDN-to-patient ratio. The analytic patient cases were divided by RDN FTEs individually for each center that provided both data points. One center reported having a RDN but no analytic cases (1 : 0). RDN = Registered Dietician Nutritionist; NCI = National Cancer Institute.