Research Article

LncRNA PVT1 Mediates Antiapoptosis and 5-Fluorouracil Resistance via Increasing Bcl2 Expression in Gastric Cancer

Figure 4

LncRNA PVT1 enhances drug-resistance of GC to 5-Fu. (a, b) Cell viability after 5-Fu treatment of PVT1 overexpressed and silenced SGC-7901 cells. (c) mRNA level of Bcl2 after 5-Fu treatment in SGC-7901 cells with or without overexpressed PVT1. Results were measured in triplicate for each experiment. P<0.05. (d) The alteration of Bcl2 protein after 5-Fu treatment in SGC-7901 cells with or without overexpressed PVT1; β-actin was the internal control. All of the data shown represent the mean ± SD of three independent experiments. (e, f) GSE15459 microarray data were divided into two groups based on the treatment, including high PVT1 level patients receiving both surgery and 5-Fu based adjuvant (PVT1 High: Surgery+5-Fu); high PVT1 level patients at stage III and IV receiving only surgery (PVT1 High: Surgery). Kaplan-Meier analysis was performed to compare their FPS and OS differences among the two groups. (g, h) The GSE62254 microarray data were divided into two groups, including high PVT1 level patients receiving both surgery and non-5-Fu adjuvant (PVT1 High: Surgery+non-5-Fu); high PVT1 level patients at stages III and IV receiving only surgery (PVT1 High: Surgery). P < 0.05.
