Research Article

Patterns of Anthracycline-Based Chemotherapy-Induced Adverse Drug Reactions and Their Impact on Relative Dose Intensity among Women with Breast Cancer in Ethiopia: A Prospective Observational Study

Table 1

Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of women with breast cancer on AC and AC-T chemotherapy at TASH, from January 1 to September 30, 2017 GC, N = 146.

CategoryN (%)Mean ± SD

Age (year)20–3430 (20.5)42.2 ± 11.5
35–4976 (52.1)
50–6431 (21.2)
≥659 (6.2)

Body mass index (BMI) (Kg·m−2)<18.514 (9.6)25.2 ± 10.32
18.5–24.9974 (50.7)
25–29.9930 (23.3)
≥3024 (16.4)

Body surface area (m2)1–1.4931 (21.2)1.6 ± 0.19
1.5–1.99110 (75.3)
≥25 (3.4)

Chemotherapy cycles4 cycles46 (31.5)Median = 8 cycles
6 cycles25 (17.1)
8 cycles75 (51.4)

Histological classificationDuctal131 (89.7)
Lobular6 (4.1)
Mixed3 (2.1)
Papillary3 (2.1)
Mucinous2 (1.4)
Metaplastic1 (0.7)

StageI6 (4.1)
II48 (32.8)
III64 (43.8)
IV28 (19.2)

ComorbidityYes22 (15.1)
No124 (84.9)

ECOG performance03 (2.1)
I135 (92.5)
II5 (3.4)
III3 (2.1)

Marital statusSingle10 (6.7)
Married98 (67.1)
Divorced/widowed38 (26.2)

Educational statusIlliterate58 (39.7)
Semiliterate63 (43.2)
Literate25 (17.1)

Baseline laboratory valuesMean ± SDNormal range
SCr (mg/dl)1.0 (0.18)0.5–1.2
AST (U/L)27.7 (21.87)≤40
ALT (U/L)23.5 (29.25)≤40
ALP (U/L)227.9 (212.11)≤270
WBC (103/mm3)7.3 (2.40)4–10
Hgb (gm/dL)13.9 (1.36)12–16
PLT (103/mm3)314.1 (110.58)150–450
ANC (103/mm3)4.1 (1.97)2–7.8
Lympho (103/mm3)2.4 (0.80)1.2–3.4

Semiliterate = those who attended elementary/high school or grade 1–12th; literate = those who had a college diploma/degree; and others are considered illiterate. Normal range is a reference range/value which is expected for healthy women. AC, Adriamycin-cyclophosphamide; AC ⟶ T, Adriamycin-cyclophosphamide ⟶ paclitaxel; ALP, alkaline phosphatase; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; ANC, absolute neutrophil count; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; BMI, body mass index; BSA, body surface area; ECOG, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; GC, Gregorian Calendar; Hgb, hemoglobin; Lympho, lymphocytes; PLT, platelet count; SCr, serum creatinine; SD, standard deviation; TASH, Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital; WBC, white blood cell count.