Clinical Study

Effectiveness of a Global Multidisciplinary Supportive and Educational Intervention in Thermal Resort on Anthropometric and Biological Parameters, and the Disease-Free Survival after Breast Cancer Treatment Completion (PACThe)

Table 1

Study population characterization.

ParameterSPA group (n = 57)CTR group (n = 56) value
Size or mean ± SD (%) or [mini-max]Size or mean ± SD (%) or [mini-max]

Patients’ age at allocation52.0 ± 7.251.9 ± 10.60.97
Menopausal statusYes = 33 (58%)Yes = 35 (63%)0.62
BMI—body mass index (kg/m2)25.4 ± 4.625.5 ± 4.40.92
≤25 kg/m230 (53%)27 (48%)0.37
BMI—class25–30 kg/m216 (28%)22 (39%)
>30 kg/m211 (19%)7 (13%)
SF36—global score/10055 9 ± 15.256.8 ± 14.00.30
Surgery for breast cancerYes = 57 (100%)Yes = 55 (98%)0.50
RadiotherapyYes = 54 (95%)Yes = 54 (96%)0.98
HormonotherapyYes = 43 (75%)Yes = 43 (77%)0.87
HerceptinYes = 5 (9%)Yes = 7 (13%)0.56
Chemotherapies: number of cycles6.3 ± 1.16.0 ± 0.80.29

The main covariates of the studied population at allocation are presented with mean ± standard deviation (SD) for Gaussian quantitative variables. Outcomes are shown with 95% confidence intervals. Categorical variables were described using counts by class and frequencies (%). Comparison of outcomes was tested with Student’s t-test or the Kruskal-Wallis H-test depending on homoscedasticity or normality of distributions. Categorical data were compared with the chi2 test. All tests were two-sided, and the nominal level of significance was 5%.