Review Article

Cervical Cancer Screening Guidelines in the Postvaccination Era: Review of the Literature

Table 6

Cervical cancer screening intervals with the HPV test and Pap test, according to the American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (ASCCP) and the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP).


<21 years (Grade D)No screening (in the case of a Pap smear ASC-US: HPV testing is not recommended)

21–29 years (Grade A)Pap smear every 3 years

30–65 years for women who want to extend their screening interval (Grade A)Cotest (the Pap test + HPV DNA test) every 5 years

30–65 years in women who choose to be tested more often (Grade A)Pap smear every 3 years

>65 years (Grade D)No screening in women with previous adequate screening (i.e., at least two negative results in the last 10 years, with at least one in the last 5) in women with a history of CIN 2 or worse lesions: Continue routine screening for at least 20 years

Screening posthysterectomy (Grade D)No screening (women with removal of the cervix and no history of a high-grade precancerous lesion in the last 20 years, or cervical cancer ever)

After HPV vaccination (Grade C)Age-based recommendations for the general population (at the moment according to the same guidelines as women who have not been vaccinated)