Research Article

Identification of Differentially Expressed and Prognostic lncRNAs for the Construction of ceRNA Networks in Lung Adenocarcinoma

Figure 2

Identification of DElncRNAs, DEmiRNAs, and DEmRNAs in TCGA-LUAD. (a) Volcano plot of DElncRNAs from the TCGA database. (b) Volcano plot of DEmiRNAs from the TCGA database. (c) Volcano plot of DEmRNAs from the TCGA database. The x-axis and y-axis stood for log2 (fold change) of gene expression and lg-transformed p value, respectively. Red dots: the significantly overexpressed genes, green dots: downregulated genes, and gray dots: not significantly differentially expressed genes. |log2FC| > 1.5 and were the cutoff criteria. Volcano maps were created using ggplot2 on the Sangerbox website (