Review Article

Ferroptosis-Associated Classifier and Indicator for Prognostic Prediction in Cutaneous Melanoma

Figure 1

Selection of the prognostic value of differently expressed ferroptosis-related genes (FRGs). (a) The principal component distribution of datasets (TCGA-SKCM, GSE15605, GSE3189, and GSE46517) in before and after removal batch effect. (b) Heat map of differently expressed FRGs in the meta-cohort (TCGA-SKCM, GSE15605, GSE3189, and GSE46517). Rows represent FRGs and columns represent samples; red and blue indicate higher expression and lower expression. (c) Volcano plot of differently expressed FRGs in meta-cohort (FRGs with were labeled). (d) Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis of the upregulated and downregulated FRGs. (e) Forest plots of 16 prognostic differently expressed FRGs. (f) Correlation analysis of 16 prognostic differently expressed FRGs. ; .