Research Article

Safety Analysis of Apatinib Combined with Chemotherapy in the Treatment of Advanced Gastric Carcinoma: A Randomised Controlled Trial

Table 1

Comparison of clinical data.

ItemsSG (n = 37)RG (n = 37)χ2/t

 Male22 (59.46%)19 (51.35%)
 Female15 (40.54%)18 (48.65%)
Average age (years old)53.21 ± 6.5153.25 ± 6.380.0270.979
Average BMI (kg/m2)22.84 ± 1.7322.86 ± 1.780.0490.961
Pathological staging0.2370.626
 III23 (62.16%)25 (67.57%)
 IV14 (37.84%)12 (32.43%)
Pathological types
 Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma16 (43.24%)14 (37.84%)1.4580.227
 Medium differentiated adenocarcinoma17 (45.95%)18 (48.65%)0.0460.831
 Carcinoma mucocellulare4 (10.81%)5 (13.51%)0.1270.722
Organ metastasis types0.2370.626
 Single organ metastasis14 (37.84%)12 (32.43%)
 Multiple organ metastasis23 (62.16%)25 (67.57%)
 Urban area19 (51.35%)21 (56.76%)
 Rural area18 (48.65%)16 (43.24%)