Research Article

Prognostic Models for Nonmetastatic Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Based on the Pretreatment Serum Tumor Markers with Machine Learning

Figure 5

The tuning parameter plot and time-dependent ROC curves of the random survival forest model. (a) The tuning parameter plot. Node size is the number of samples in the terminal node and mtry is the number of randomly selected candidate variables in each parent node; OOB error is the out-of-bag error. A darker color indicates a larger OOB error, while a lighter color indicates smaller OOB error, suggesting a better RSF model. (b) tdROC curve for DFS at 36 months, with an AUC of 0.637 and at 60 months, with an AUC of 0.663. (c) tdROC curve for OS at 36 months, with an AUC of 0.777 and at 60 months, with an AUC of 0.659. RSF: random survival forest; tdROC: time-dependent receiver operating characteristic; AUC: area under the ROC curve; DFS: disease-free survival; OS: overall survival.