Research Article

Circulating Tumor Cell Is a Clinical Indicator of Pretransplant Radiofrequency Ablation for Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Table 3

Baseline characteristics in HCC patients with/without RFA.

VariableN = 79
RFA (n = 18)Non-RFA (n = 61) value

Gender, n (%)Male16 (20.3)58 (73.4)0.8990.343
Female2 (2.5)3 (3.8)

Age (years), n (%)>508 (10.1)39 (49.4)2.1910.139
≤5010 (12.7)22 (27.8)

CTC count, n (%)>18 (10.1)34 (43.0)0.7120.399
≤110 (12.7)27 (34.2)

Tumor number, n (%)>31 (1.3)14 (17.7)2.7340.098
≤317 (21.5)47 (59.5)

Tumor diameter (cm), n (%)>36 (7.6)9 (11.4)3.1190.077
≤312 (15.2)52 (65.8)

PVT, n (%)Yes3 (3.8)13 (16.5)0.1860.667
No15 (19.0)48 (60.8)

MVI, n (%)Yes3 (3.8)12 (15.2)0.0820.775
No15 (19.0)49 (62.0)

Edmonson stage, n (%)I-II11 (13.9)37 (46.8)0.0010.972
III-IV7 (8.9)24 (30.4)

Liver cirrhosis, n (%)Yes17 (21.5)56 (71.0)0.1380.710
No1 (1.3)5 (6.3)

Milan criteria, n (%)Yes14 (11.4)32 (40.5)3.6630.056
No4 (5.0)29 (36.7)

UCSF criteria, n (%)Yes15 (18.9)36 (45.5)3.5920.058
No3 (3.7)25 (31.6)

HBsAg (+), n (%)Yes14 (17.7)51 (64.6)0.3240.569
No4 (5.1)10 (12.7)

AFP (ng/ml), n (%)>4003 (3.8)17 (21.5)0.9220.337
≤40015 (19.0)44 (55.7)

TNM stage, n (%)I1 (1.3)9 (11.4)1.7230.423
II7 (8.9)16 (20.3)
III-IV10 (12.7)36 (45.6)

AFP: alpha-fetoprotein; CTC: circulating tumor cells; HBsAg: hepatitis B surface antigen; HCC: hepatocellular carcinoma; MVI: microvascular invasions; PVT: portal vein thrombosis; RFA: radiofrequency ablation; UCSF: University of California San Francisco.