Research Article

Identification of Biomarkers Associated with Cancerous Change in Oral Leukoplakia Based on Integrated Transcriptome Analysis

Figure 5

Volcano map of normal group vs. OLK group (a). The dotted line in the figure is the filter condition, black means that the difference is not obvious, red means upregulated genes, and blue means downregulated genes. Heat map of normal group vs. OLK group (b). Listed as samples, behavioral genes, red represents the OLK group, blue represents the normal group, red represents upregulation in the heat map, and dark blue represents downregulation. Volcano map of OLK group vs. OSCC group (c). Heat map of OLK group vs. OSCC group (d). Volcano map of normal group vs. OSCC group (e). Heat map of normal group vs. OSCC group (f). Intersection of differential genes in the healthy group, OLK group, and OSCC group compared with the genes in the red module (g-h). Upregulated genes (g). Downregulated genes (h).