Research Article

Molecular Subtypes Based on Cuproptosis-Related Genes and Tumor Microenvironment Infiltration Characterization in Colorectal Cancer

Figure 1

Multiomics analyses of CRGs in TCGA CRC data. (a) Whole-genome CRISPR-Cas9 positive selection screen using two copper ionophores (Cu-DDC and elesclomol-copper) in cells. Overlapping hits with a false discovery rate (FDR) were analyzed. (b) Mutation frequencies of 27 CRGs in 535 patients with CRC from TCGA cohort. (c) Frequencies of CNV gain, loss, and non-CNV among CRGs. (d) Locations of CNV alterations in CRGs on 23 chromosomes. (e) Expression levels of 27 CRGs between normal and CRC tissues. Red gene names present CNV gains, blue gene names represent CNV loss, and black gene names represent CNV constant. CRGs: cuproptosis-related genes; CRC: colorectal cancer; TCGA: The Cancer Genome Atlas; CNV: copy number variant.