Research Article

Clinical Analysis of C-Shaped Embedded Pancreaticojejunostomy in Pancreaticoduodenectomy

Figure 2

Surgical photos of C-shaped embedded anastomosis. (a) Insert the pancreatic duct drainage tube into the main pancreatic duct for about 6-7 cm. (b) U-shaped suture the drainage tube in the pancreatic duct. (c) Make sure the drainage tube is fixed. (d) Suture whole lower pancreas edge with the seromuscular layer of the jejunum. (e) The jejunum wrapped the upper, posterior, and lower edges of the pancreas by about 1 cm. (f) Suture the anterior wall of the pancreas and the jejunum to form a C-shaped embedded anastomosis. PV: portal vein; SMV: super mesenteric vein; SV: splenic vein.