Research Article

Tumor Suppressor Role of INPP4B in Chemoresistant Retinoblastoma

Figure 7

Depiction of the migratory potential of GFP-labelled, etoposide resistant (Etop) INPP4B overexpressing (OE) Y79 and RB355 cells and control cells (ctr) after injection into a CAM vein. (a) Representative CAM whole mounts stained for CAM vessels with an antidesmin antibody (red fluorescence). Extravasated GFP-labelled INPP4B overexpressing, etoposide resistant Y79 and RB355 cells are displayed in green. Magnification: 200x. (b) Quantification of GFP-positive (GFP+) punches of the lower CAM. All experiments were performed at least in triplicate and the results were depicted with a standard error of the mean (SEM). A student’s t-test was used to calculate statistical differences (ns ; ) between control and experimental groups.