Research Article

Deciphering the Molecular Mechanism of Yifei-Sanjie Pill in Cancer-Related Fatigue

Figure 3

YFSJ treatment on gene expression profiling of skeletal muscle tissues in CRF mice. RNA-seq was performed to determine the DETs in skeletal muscle tissues from each group. (a) Comparison of control group with CRF group. (b) Comparison of CRF group with high group. (i) Hierarchical clustering plots and (ii) volcano plots were used to compare gene expression profiles (|fold change| ≥ 2, ). (iii) GO enrichment analysis was performed based on the DETs from both comparisons, from top to bottom are BP, CC, and MF, respectively. (iv) KEGG enrichment analysis was performed to identify the enriched signaling pathway in both comparisons n = 3.