Research Article

Bariatric Revisionary Surgery for Failed or Complicated Vertical Banded Gastroplasty (VBG): Comparison of VBG Reoperation (re-VBG) versus Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass-on-VBG (RYGB-on-VBG)

Table 5

Outcomes of revisionary surgery for failed or complicated VBGs: changes in BMI.

Re-VBG n. 49Conversion to RYGBP on VBG n. 60

1 Yr30.5±4.628.6±4.4
2 Yrs30.9±4.630.2±8.0
3 Yrs31.2±5.328.4±4.5
Lost to follow up/%9/8.2%3/5%